After almost three years spent reorganizing the fields, terracing, creating vegetable gardens, building dry walls, fences, a water supply system, laying underground electric and telephone cables and planting ancient fruit trees, in 2014 we finally started the first renovation works of the historical building “Caselle di Paganico” in line with the pillars of the whole project. 


From July 11th to 13th 2015 the Farm hosted a course on self-construction of solar panels. The expert Luigi Lisi taught participants the theory and practice for the construction of a solar panel by using recyclable materials and purchased solar cells. Luigi also provided examples on how to turn a house or another project self-sufficient in terms of energy production.
We took advantage of this happy occasion to ask Luigi few questions.

OUR PASTA: more than organic, from ancient and local grains

At the Self-Sufficiency Farm we only produce food which is good both for our health and the environment!
Ancient grains are grains varieties that are largely unchanged over the last several hundred years, that is to say that they have not been modified by man in order to increase their productivity. One of the most known example in Italy is the wheat variety “Senatore Cappelli”, but there are many others depending on the region of production. Other examples are: Saragolla, Tumminia, Einkorn wheat, Gentil Rosso, Verna, Rieti, etc. 


Hulless or “naked” barley (Hordeum vulgare) is a form of domesticated barley with an easier-to-remove hull.
The early-ripening variety called “Leonessa” is organically cultivated at the Self-Sufficiency Farm. This type of barley was selected from a local population by geneticist Nazzareno Strampelli in 1936, then it has been revived by CERMIS (Center of research for the improvement of vegetable species) that dealt with the protection of Leonessa in the first years of the 80s. 

A new style of ecotourism

At La Fattoria dell’Autosufficienza the experience of the surrounding nature goes along with the ecological building of the agritourism, for a 360° green holiday

The term ecotourism is thought to be coined by Mexican architect Hector Ceballos-Lascurain, author of several books on this topic. In 1988 he gave the following definition of ecotourism: «Ecotourism is that tourism that involves traveling to relatively undisturbed natural areas with the specific object of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural aspects (both past and present) found in these areas».

Interview to Francesco Rosso by Sepp Holzer

Sepp Holzer has become famous as the “rebel farmer”. He is a pioneer of the concept of permaculture and he has demonstrated a total commitment in this method of farming. He has a 40-year experience in alternative farming by trying out a lot of different techniques and for this reason he is now the most famous expert of permaculture in Europe.
Sepp Holzer carries out successful permaculture projects all over the world, both in small and big farms and regardless of the climatic conditions, from the desert to Siberia. 

BARLEY: a true medical food

Barley has a good taste and it is good for our health. Even so, it is not so common, at least not in our country, where its consumption is not comparable to the one of pasta. However, it is worth to introduce it regularly in our daily diet because it is a very healthy food. Barley is one of the most ancient member of the grass family and its origins are in Western Asia. It is thought to be the result of several hybridisation processes of the wild plant known as “Horodeum spontaneum”. Nowadays barley is easy to find all over the world.  
