Fattoria dell'autosufficienza, News
We believe that food and energy self-sufficiency and green building can be the answers to the great challenges we are living for the following reasons:
- Self-produced food without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical products commonly employed in agriculture, is healthy and it preserves people’s health. A healthy person who produces his/her own food increases GWB (General Well-Being) and makes GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to fall dramatically. We are often sold on the idea that GDP is an index of well-being, while it actually measures the inefficiencies of our society. Accidents increase GDP, illnesses increase GDP, problems in general increase GDP.
- Self-produced food needs no packaging, so it reduces waste and environmental problems linked to waste management.
- Self-produced food reduces air pollution because, unlike industrialised agriculture, there is no consumption of great quantities of fuel and the food is not transported for thousands of kilometres.
- By producing our own food we reduce water and soil pollution because we avoid using fertilizers and chemical pesticides.
- We gain power because we do not depend on other people for feeding ourselves.
- We save money.
- We bridge the gap between food producers and consumers both in physical and human terms.
- We rediscover the cycle of seasons and the relationship with the land.
- Green building allows us to live in healthier spaces.
- With green building we employ natural materials, hence avoiding the environmental impact of production and transportation of common building materials.
- An energy-efficient building reduces air pollution thanks to limited emissions and less consumption of electricity and heating systems.
- Saving energy allows us to save money.
- By reducing energy consumption we indirectly decrease the huge consumption of water due to thermal power stations and nuclear power plants.
- By reducing energy consumption the countries will have less interest in wars in the Middle East and in other parts of the world for laying hands on the last available resources.
- If we self-produce energy we make a big step forward in living without being dependent on oil and this is something that sooner or later we will have to cope with.
- If we self-produce energy we gain power and we take it from big corporations that manage the global market of resources.
- Activities (8)
- Attività (10)
- Attrattive (16)
- Cosa fare (22)
- Farm products (4)
- Fattoria dell'autosufficienza (39)
- Fattoria dell'autosufficienza (56)
- Fauna (8)
- Flora (5)
- I nostri modelli (15)
- Istruzioni per viaggiare (2)
- News (63)
- News (97)
- Our models (14)
- Permacultura (30)
- Permaculture (23)
- Prodotti della fattoria (4)
- Senza categoria (4)
- Senza categoria (2)
- Things to do (22)
- Tourist attractions (15)