Faggeta secolare, antidepressivo naturale
Salute e vitalità dipendono dal contatto diretto con la natura: è l’effetto biofilia
Tanti informatici che ho conosciuto mi hanno rivelato che il loro sogno sarebbe lavorare con la terra o comunque fare qualcosa che li faccia passare del tempo a stretto contatto con la natura. Stare tante ore al chiuso, davanti al monitor, studiando codici li porta all’esasperazione: nella vita rurale vedono la loro rinascita, la possibilità di un’esistenza più equilibrata, appagante e felice.
Erich Fromm – celebre psicoterapeuta e filosofo vissuto nel pieno del Novecento – chiamava “biofilia” l’attrazione irresistibile e irrinunciabile dell’uomo nei confronti della natura.
Qualcosa di simile succede anche agli astronauti nello spazio che passano i pochi momenti liberi che hanno durante la giornata a fissare la Terra per via dell’attrazione naturale che il Pianeta blu esercita nei loro confronti. La loro percezione, detta The Overview Effect, è quella di fissare una palla piena di vita.
Centuries-old beech forest: a natural antidepressant
Health and vitality depend on direct contact with nature: it is the biophilia effect
Many computer scientists I met have revealed to me that their secret dream would be to work with the earth or doing something that makes them spend time in close contact with nature. Spending many hours indoors in front of a computer studying codes leads them to alienation. They see in rural life their chance to rebirth, the possibility of a more balanced, fulfilling, and happy existence.
Erich Fromm – a famous psychotherapist and philosopher who lived in the mid-twentieth century – called the irresistible and indispensable attraction of man towards nature “biophilia”.
Something similar also happens to astronauts in space who spend the few free moments they have during the day staring at the Earth due to the natural attraction that the Blue Planet exerts towards them. Their perception, called “The Overview Effect”, is that of staring at a ball full of life.
EUZ…a place out of the ordinary…
“Energie und Umweltzentrum” – Centre for Energy and the Environment – is an independent and self-managed association that has been working on renewable energies, energy and water savings, green building and environmental education since 1981.
Its story begins this way: in order to give a practical realization to these topics, in the 1980s a group of young people engaged in the anti-nuclear movement bought and restructured, through a nationally launched subscription, a former school near Hanover that could function as a model demonstration.
PANTA REI…everything flows…
Panta Rei is a beautiful centre for sustainable development education near Lake Trasimeno.
The centre is open all year and it’s entirely built according to the principles of green building, with natural materials, producing energy from the sun and biomass and using natural materials and Phyto-purification systems for the ecological management of water.
Città della Luce is not a real city, or rather it is not only this, but much more.
Everything started in the 1990s when a group of young men decided to dedicate their lives to the study and practice of Reiki. They joined forces, established a community and began to organize courses and events related to holistic disciplines in Genoa. Driven by the need to expand their spaces and to be surrounded by greenery, these people moved to Turbigo, near Novara, and then finally to the inland of the Marches, in a place full of peace and land to cultivate.
They wanted to experiment and create a new way of living and working, of being together in respect, with mutual support and trust. They wanted to cooperate in a dimension in which there is time and space to take care of ourselves and relationships, time for the partner and for the children, for studying, for personal growth and for professional self-realization.
Freedom and Self-sufficiency
I want to give the floor to a person who, in everyday life, strives to bring freedom into his life and into the lives of those who live around him. This is an interview to Francesco Angelo Rosso, born in 1985 and one of the youngest entrepreneurs in Romagna.
Life has led him to live personal and work experiences in search for freedom, true freedom. The kind of freedom that is not without rules but can also be experienced without rules, that becomes freedom when it is linked to self-sufficiency. – By the editorial staff of Vivi Consapevole in Romagna.
Do you feel free?
Unfortunately not. I continually realise I rely on patterns, conditionings and rules that imprison me. And I realise it even more after feeling free for a few days.
È ora dell’Ecosovversione
Romagnoli abbiate il coraggio di pensare con la vostra testa!
Quando andavo a scuola capitava spesso che venissi additato dai miei compagni di classe che dicevano: «Perché tu devi fare per forza le cose diverse dagli altri?». Altre volte mi dicevano: «Tu non sei normale» pensando di dirmi qualcosa di dispregiativo…
Indian Park “IL SALICE”
Believe it or not, in San Piero in Bagno on the shores of Lake Lungo, in a beautiful natural setting, among lakes and woods of oaks, beech and chestnut trees, there is a real Indian park!
A place where nature and spirit get together.
Fai girare l’economia locale e compra romagnolo!
Valorizza la tua terra e rendila autosufficiente
Un po’ di anni fa, ho letto un libro pubblicato da Macro Edizioni dal titolo Un istante dopo. L’autore racconta la storia di un paese americano che, a seguito di una catastrofe, mette fuori uso tutte le centraline elettroniche per via di un’inversione dei poli magnetici. Di conseguenza, qualunque apparecchiatura elettronica, in un istante, cessa di funzionare.
Heaven on Earth
What we sow today, we will collect it tomorrow
From an early age I tried to imagine what would have been the most beautiful job in the world. Initially I thought I wanted to be a lumberjack. Then I changed my mind, I wanted to become a forest ranger. I enrolled in the Professional Institute for Agriculture and the Environment with this intention, but after 2 years I changed my mind again. At the age of nineteen, I decided to study Tourism Economics because I liked the idea of traveling.
However, at 20 years old, I found myself managing the family business, so I convinced myself that I wanted to be an entrepreneur and started studying for this. At the age of 24, I bought 70 hectares of land with my family and decided I would become a farmer. Today at 33, I’m an entrepreneur, a farmer, a lumberjack, I manage a farm and everything that I had thought of individually exists at the same time. I love what I do but even more I love the idea of designing the most beautiful place in the world.
- Activities (8) 8
- Attività (10) 10
- Attrattive (16) 16
- Cosa fare (22) 22
- Farm products (4) 4
- Fattoria dell'autosufficienza (39) 39
- Fattoria dell'autosufficienza (56) 56
- Fauna (8) 8
- Flora (5) 5
- I nostri modelli (15) 15
- Istruzioni per viaggiare (2) 2
- News (63) 63
- News (97) 97
- Our models (14) 14
- Permacultura (30) 30
- Permaculture (23) 23
- Prodotti della fattoria (4) 4
- Senza categoria (4) 4
- Senza categoria (2) 2
- Things to do (22) 22
- Tourist attractions (15) 15